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Scouting during a pandemic

It’s maddening to quarantine for a long period of time. But for two scouts, who are brother and sister, the quarantine meant focusing and finishing their Eagle Projects within days of each other. With great support from their family, friends and community, Alex and Charlotte Beatson achieved completion of their Eagle Projects at the end of May.

Alex, who is 13 years old, earned his Eagle Scout rank in July and Charlotte will earn it on October 1, which is the very first day the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) are allowing girls to have their Board of Review. On that day, she will be one of the first females in the country to achieve Eagle Scout!

“Scouts has been a great opportunity for me to learn and grow in my leadership skills,” said Charlotte Beatson.

(Charlotte and Alex working on Eagle Projects)

Eagle Scout Service Project

The Eagle Scout Service Project is the opportunity for a scout in the BSA to demonstrate leadership while performing a project for the benefit of the community.

The siblings raised funds and planned two separate projects involving the creation of a community garden. Charlotte designed and built the greenhouse at St. Mary’s Parish and School in Littleton while Alex installed the 6-foot tall chain link fence that encloses the 2,000 square foot community garden.

Anselm Beatson, father of the siblings, expressed great joy in watching his children “learn to become leaders.” He admits to joining them on backpacking adventures, campouts and many community service projects.

Both he and his wife Christie participate in their children’s scouting activities as committee members on both of their troops and help organize some of the activities like summer camp. Unfortunately this year both official summer camps were cancelled at the last minute due to the pandemic, but the scouts found other safe and fun ways to camp.

(Cooking with other boy scouts)

Girls Can Be Boy Scouts Too

Charlotte is now 16, three years older than Alex. She confessed she followed her little brother for five years to the majority of his Cub Scout events. With great enthusiasm, Charlotte joined Boy Scouts at the first opportunity - February 1, 2019 - the very day the BSA allowed girls to join and start their own troops. Girls can now do everything the boys have been doing and accomplishing since 1910, including earn the rank of Eagle Scout.

“So far being involved in the organization has been a great experience,” she said. “It has been a lot of fun, I have met great people, and learned valuable skills while giving service to others.”

(During Alex’s Eagle Court of Honor)

Favorite Parts of Scouting

Backpacking, hiking and camping are favorite activities of the siblings.

“I love backpacking trips, and how on these trips we work as a team and the adventure they offers,” Alex said.

By October 1, both Alex and Charlotte will have earned their Eagle Rank, a feat only 4% of scouts accomplish—the pandemic certainly did not stop them!

Learn about their troops at:

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